Saturday, 2 June 2007

The 2 of June - first full day home

Above is the first evening after a full day at home - clearly dad needs to assist.

Now for those of you who are thinking where is the father in all of this, because clearly he must do nothing, you are correct - herewith evidence to prove that the fathers function is to sit in the rocking chair and offer advice and to generally see to the wellbeing of Her Royal Shackwellness (AKA Hannah Rachel Shacklock)

What a day - finally boob milk arrived and little Hannah Rachel was able to puke up all remain gunk from the birthing pocess - see evidence above. HR has started winding up her mother! Who ever said Caryn did not like scrambled egg?

Friday, 1 June 2007

In case last night was not sufficient for everyone, herewith a first morning at home picture - was there ever a more beautiful wide awake vision? 2.5 hours total sleep does this to one!

latest update as of 1 June 2007 - Take a look of these pics of HR Shackwell and her beaming Mum!! I can categorically confirm that the lungs are in perfect working order!